It has been brought to our attention that there are various trade sites, retailers and manufacturers advertising and claiming to manufacture/sell our brand of product.

Please see below an Iron Tanks weightlifting belt & lever buckle replica. The genuine buckle is up top and the replica is down below.

It is also common for these trade sites to steal our copyrighted images & product descriptions to infer the product they are providing is legitimate.

Iron Tanks Products:

  • Are IPF approved
  • Are made in our factory which contains thorough quality control and uses only top tier materials.
  • Have been scrutinized and tested under load to ensure their safety and durability. Eg: our leather is sourced from tanneries that have skilled leather workers. Belts take months to make and are an arduous manufacturing process.  

Replica products:

  • Are not IPF approved
  • Are made in factories that have poor working conditions, inferior materials and no quality control.
  • Have not been tested, use non-approved compositions of alloys / inferior or even fake leather.

Please be aware that genuine Iron Tanks gear can only be purchased through this website as well as our certified stockists. If you are unsure, it is always best to contact us for verification.